Johan Trip

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Why I became an entrepreneur, after all...

After a few years in managerial roles at an international NGO (ZOA), an energy company (PonEnergie) and a broadcasting organization (EO) I’ve chosen the path of entrepreneurship over taking on another job.

I have always gravitated towards the idea of entrepreneurship and building my own shop. The idea to be my own boss, taking calculated risks and work on problems that matter lured me for some time already. But since starting my journey a few weeks ago another reason became apparent to me.

Corporations are permanent organizations designed to execute a repeatable and scalable business model, startups are more like organism working to find a business model. To no ones surprise existing companies have a hard time innovating. And this is reflected in the way organizations hire. They apply a rigorous method making sure they hire for the right profile based on educational qualifications and work history. They hire, in short, for the right “fit”.

It is exactly that which was keeping me from taking on another job and instead venturing out on my own. I'm not looking to do the things I have already done again. I’m not looking to merely expand my current capabilities in a role that requires me to be highly predictable. I'm not looking for a path, a step by step forward.

Instead, I’m looking to do things I’ve never done before. I’m looking for growth, for a push outside my comfort zone, for pain at the edges. For the disruption of myself.

We talk a lot about building disruptive products, investing in disruptive companies, and we should. Both are vital engines of economic growth. But, the most overlooked engine of growth is the individual. If you are really looking to move the world forward, begin by imaging a better you and start innovating from the inside.

About the author

Johan Trip is a founder and digital leader specializing in subscription-based offerings. With a track record of growing subscription revenue from 0 to 40M and 0 - 500k subscribers at Philips, he's an advocate for business model innovation.

Learn more about subscriptions and as-a-service business models, and connect with Johan to learn what it takes to thrive in the subscription economy.

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